Our annual report read at Parish Council Annual meeting held in May 2024 was pretty much the items you see below.  We will add the additional items later but felt you should be aware that due to the continual vandalism and ongoing issues of motorbikes/camping and the endless litter - and now lack of bins - we are wondering if we should continue in the traditional way or have a rethink.

Please be reminded that we have entered the 'no mow' season from May to September where we only cut paths and leave large areas for wild flowers/insects/birds.  We are about conservation as well as litter picking.

MARCH 2024

Apologies to all our supporters but this page is becoming a bit of a moan area!
Once again we have been unable to maintain some of our areas due to the persistent two bikes and have now made the decision NOT to mow some of our footpaths as nothing has been left to mow.  Please - call the police and add your complaint to ours when you see/hear them screaming around the area.  Children playing, walkers, dogs walkers are now at risk from just 2 lads.

We have lost a few more trees through vandalism - they take years to grow and seconds to destroy.

We thank our litter pickers who make such a difference to the area and Fred continues to empty the bins on a regular basis.  Sometimes it is all he can do.

We are now becoming disenchanted with some of the activities taking place unabated and will be having a re-think on what we can and can't do safely and for the benefit of our community and visitors.

Thank you to our Parish Council for the purchase of a proper leaf blower to finish off any mowed areas.

February 2024

Our guys - Phil and John - are now out and about catching up on mowing large areas within the coastal park.  I would say give them a wave as they trundle along - but they will be too busy to see you! 

Reports are coming in of further damage to large areas of grass and other plantings and damage to paths and walkways due to illegal motor vehicles gaining access to the coastal park and surrounding areas.  This is both disheartening for the volunteers and dangerous for those that visit.  We would ask all who see them to call the police - who will at least make a note of the number of calls made in this regard.  The police are aware of the issue and need to be kept informed of all instances.

Fred removed a large section of a poplar tree at St James Playing field that had broken off during the high winds recently.  A major task and was well appreciated by those living in the vicinity.

Our thanks again to all who assist with litter picking while they enjoy their walk - it is very much appreciated.

January 2024
Our thanks to Paul and Claire Weaver, Pat Purcell, Stacey Taylor, Iveta Kuze and Angie Fulks for assisting Fred in raking the cuttings from the wild flower meadow along side Puma Path.  Hard work but will be appreciated even more when they bloom in 2024.  Shame about the motor bikes that arrived within minutes of completion.

 ‘Friends of Grain Coastal Park’
Our lovely Kate has had to stand down as admin on this site – we thank her for her time and expertise keeping it fresh
Anyone out there willing to take it on – and remind us to submit pictures/reports!!
Contact us – email:
In the meantime……….
Fred has been out and about during the summer planting trees amongst his many and varied jobs and has just lately been cutting down old, damaged or dead trees.  The dry weather followed by heavy rain and back to hot/sunny/dry is not good for them.  Hopefully the new replacements will have a chance to grow. 

We continue – with the help of many who walk the area – to maintain a litter free environment as much as possible.  We are most grateful to the guys from wHoo Cares and their picking while walking initiative.
Unfortunately, we had to finally remove a litter bin as it could not sustain any further vandalism so another one less in the area.

We empty bins as time/transport/weather allows, usually at least once a week, but often rubbish is left beside them awaiting collection for a while.  When authorised transport is not available, we use our cars and get as many emptied as we can that we can reach from the various car parks.  It would be a lot easier if visitors would actually take their rubbish home as much of it can be recycled. 
We did receive an email to complain about a bin situated at the end of a public footpath by Port Victoria Road.  It was most definitely overflowing when we inspected it.  Strangely though – it is not actually a litter bin but has been created using an old council concrete bin stand and some wire around it.  It is not part of the coastal park or the England Coastal Path although is on a designated MC footpath and so was reported as fly tipping to Medway Council.

Our thanks to Phil and John for continuing to keep the grass cut in all areas – weather and equipment permitting.  They also assist Fred with various tasks throughout the year.  They have a major task this year as Environment Agency have been unable to do their usual cut right across the Coastal Park.  Hopefully the new ‘bit of kit’ sponsored by St James, Isle of Grain, Parish Council will be of use.

Other works
We are unable to give any update on the various jobs that had been mentioned to local businesses as no contact has been received since May.  Our benches still remain in storage and our disabled footpath at Church Beach is still overgrown in areas and under planting done by a local residence that now reduces it’s width considerably.  The shingle left all over the path here has still to be cleared as inhibits wheelchair use.
Hopefully – we will have better news next time.

Enjoy the rest of the fine weather – we are now into Autumn so anything could happen.
If you have any photographs of the Coastal Park you would like to share – please forward to  We would love to see and share on here.


Highlights from the recent Friends of Grain Coastal Park Report to the Parish Council 2023

"A replacement bench on top of the fort (previously damaged by fire) has been sourced using money raised by our local Co-op and just awaits installation.
We continue to maintain the grassed areas with the services of Phil and John and usually the Environment Agency will do a clean sweep prior to our ‘No Mow’ policy from May to October.  Phil and John will maintain paths only during this time and we give heartfelt thanks to them both.
We thank the “Grain Walkie Talkies” walking group for once again assisting with our recent litter picking events.  Thanks also to Medway Norse for prompt removal of a very large number of sacks. Friends continue to litter pick on a regular basis and Fred continues to empty bins and we thank all who take time out when walking to pick up rubbish and put in the bins.  
Fred also still spends a lot of time maintaining our woodland and open spaces, is very resourceful and the results are ‘very pleasing’ 
We do not maintain the sea wall, just the green spaces, and do not receive any funding in this regard.  We thank all who have given donations towards the upkeep and we recently used some donated funds to buy a very upmarket strimmer for the Friends use and a second bench – awaiting installation."
Ronnie Cordier
May 2023

Join us for the next litter-pick across the Coastal Park on Tuesday 4th April 10am

24 January 2023

Litter Pick to Clear Car Park

Ronnie Cordier Reports:

Big thanks to Terry, Gill, Jack, Dave and the Walkers 
After our first dry weekend this lot was collected - used nappies, discarded clothing, empty cans and capsules and so much more unpleasant litter strewn around the Coastal Park car park.  
So much for saving the planet and disposing of waste carefully in bins provided or taking your litter home with you! 


18 September 2022
Sad Demise of Outdoor Classroom - Vandals Strike Again!
Fred Butcher reports: 
Due to the continued  vandalism and destruction of the outdoor school classroom we have made the sad decision to remove it because it has now become unsuitable and unsafe to be used for its original purpose. 

Time was taken yesterday to tidy up, clear debris and litter and place logs back in position and all was promptly ruined within hours which was soul destroying for those who try and maintain the area for all to enjoy.  The logs will now become firewood which is such a shame but obviously safer! How very sad that this resource has been taken out of use because of pointless destruction.




A Big ‘THANK YOU’ to Barney the black labradoodle and his people for their recent amazing donation to the Friends of Grain Coastal Park Funds – part of which will be put to good use towards the cost of an HD Strimmer. 

Barney says he loves coming to Grain as there are such nice people and he meets some very friendly dogs!

Friends of Grain Coastal Park (Report filed to Parish Council June 2022)

Another interesting year for ‘Friends’


As those that follow on our web site will know we have had a year where vandalism continues apace:We have lost 1 of our bins which was thrown into the sea: 3 have had to be repaired, 2 no longer have lids and the other is under constant attack. In one weekend it had to be repaired 3 times. 

Various picnic benches have also been damaged by BBQs being placed on them and we lost the bench on top of the fort to a fire set by local vandals – someone thought the PC had lit the beacon!


We applied for and received 131 trees to plant across the Coastal Park. We gave the school 30 to place around their sports field and many of the remaining 101 have been put in soil to bring on for another year. Others have been secreted around the area following a spate of tree cutting and felling by local youth – yet more distressing vandalism.


We continue to maintain the grassed areas with the services of Phil and John and once again Environment Agency did a clean sweep prior to our ‘No Mow’ policy from May to October.  Phil and John will maintain paths only during this time.


We held a Community Day with a local company in October 2021 and it was a great day for all.  Bird boxes were supplied, we put them together, decorated them and they are now on display around the area – see if you can spot them! We painted the blocks in pavilion car park with some amazing artwork created on them.  Two of our benches were refurbished in the time we had.


We held a Community litter pick in April this year and thanks go to the Silver Milers (Walking Group) for turning up in number to pick a very large area.  There was only one volunteer at the pavilion but the whole field was litter picked by the end of the 2 hours.  Although, sadly, by the next morning you would wonder if it had been done.

We continue to litter pick, Fred continues to empty bins and we thank all who take time out when walking to pick up rubbish and put it in bins.  It has to be said, that much of the litter could be taken home and recycled. The amount of food waste has been commented on as many bins get visited by cats, foxes and the like and need another litter pick the next day.  We continue to pick up BBQs that the notices state clearly are not permitted. Cut hands when removing these are not appreciated.


Fred spends a lot of time maintaining our woodland and open spaces, is very resourceful and the results are very pleasing but we all feel disappointed and disillusioned when the areas are vandalised; churned up by the motor bike riders and spoiled by those who can’t comply with a sign. We will continue to keep the Coastal Park and others areas looking their best and would appreciate your support in reporting instances that you feel a police presence warrants.  

Our thanks to Kate Booker who maintains and updates our web site

We do this all as volunteers on your behalf – much is mentioned on Social Media about how good it looks.

Enjoy the area, keep it clean and keep safe.


Thanks to Phil and the guys from Environment Agency for the first big cut of the year.  
An exceedingly cold and damp morning well spent.
You may have noticed that there is work going on at the Pavilion Car Park in Pintail Close.  The Parish Council is adding a lower level additional barrier so that this car park can revert back to users of Pavilion only. It will be locked to unauthorised motor vehicles. 
Works will also soon take place at Church Beach Car Park at the end of the High Street.  
These works are a reaction to the impact of  anti-social behaviour of a few that have caused major issues for both Parish Council and the Friends of Grain Coastal Park as well as affecting residents, neighbours and visitors who come to enjoy our area.
We do hope you understand. We are in contact with both Medway Council and the Police to assist us with further suggestions and help towards making our area safer.



We look forward to seeing as many people as possible there. After the event, send us your pictures and we can post some of them here. 


If you go down to the woods to day – BEWARE!  

Due to the high winds recently we have lost a few trees  and some are still creating concern.
We are thankful that we have received no reports of injury or damage and are looking forward to receiving our new trees to replace those lost.
Fred and the crew will be about clearing once the weather is more settled.
A major litter pick is also envisaged - WATCH THIS SPACE FOR DATES SOON.



Fred B, Chairman. JAN 2022


Fred Butcher, Chair of Friends of GRain Coastal Park (F.o.G.C.P), has announced that the FoGCP (in partnership with St James, Isle of Grain, Parish Council) recently submitted an application to The Woodland Trust and have been successful in securing 131 trees which will arrive in March ready for planting.


Unfortunately, a previous attempt to plant trees in public areas resulted in them disappearing overnight. This time, it is planned to plant the trees in various areas where they will not be disturbed and not be so vulnerable to vandalism.


The Friends of Grain Coastal Park will use many of the new trees to infill those lost through age, vandalism and damage by weather. Some will also be offered to our local school for planting within their boundary.  The trees will be planted by FOCGP members and youngsters from the Isle of Grain community on an activity day – date to be agreed in Spring 2022